Thursday 24 March 2016

Question 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Whilst filming the preliminary task, was the less noticeable elements. An example of this was with the match on action shot, where Kaden stumbles through the door but the second shot the door was fully closed where as the door should still be closing.

Throughout the filming of the opening, it was important to maintain continuity, however with limited tri-pods and camera's this was harder than anticipated. Whist editing we noticed other members of the group in the shot. Additionally on the first filming day as I was walking out of the door and I wasn't carrying a bag, however when I got to the car I put a bag in the front seat. We then decided to re-film the shot at a later date.

The preliminary task was much easier to film the mid shots, close ups and long shots due to the space we were provided. In comparison to the many angles and locations which we had to film.

In both tasks we tried to include shot-reverse-shot, match-on-action,and the 180 degree rule appropriately, which was successful. Through experimenting we were able to do the match on action more creatively in the final piece. This is show In the gif below

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