Thursday 24 March 2016

Question 5. How did you attract/address your audience?

To make our film appealing to our target audience we have taken elements of other film characters and based out main characters on them. 

Kaden plays a classic thriller character as a hitman. To develop Kaden's character as a group we decided to base his characteristics from the characters of Agent 47 from "Hitman: Agent 47".
I play an university student, which is more present in older films such as  "Scream" which is getting more popular due to TV reboots and becoming popular within our target audience age range.

For our non-linear narrative order, we took this idea from American Beauty by having the end of the film in the opening. The film opening in a similar way to American Beauty as the events are shown after the opening leading up to what previously has been shown.

Music and sound
Our opening's music was made Charlie Watts' brother who's credited as Sam Storm. For our score we took more generic inspiration from thriller films by using orchestral instruments to add a suspense atmosphere. we decided to not have any dialogue to add to the suspense built up with the music.

With the Mise-en-scene the costume was one of the most important factors we had to consider. It needed to be really obvious about the contrast between the two characters. With the character I played we showed the normality of the morning routine and with the hitman character we showed the contrast of what he goes through. We also ensured Kaden's clothing was messy to show reflect his inexperience throughout the film.


Through the use of split screen we were able to make our film unique. We did this to try and attract our target audience as well as to create unique USP for our film. We also decided to make the length of the shots change throughout our opening vary in order to create an unsettled feeling which changes the mood throughout the opening.

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