Thursday 24 March 2016

Killjoy finished product

Here is a link below of our finished film opening

Question 5. How did you attract/address your audience?

To make our film appealing to our target audience we have taken elements of other film characters and based out main characters on them. 

Kaden plays a classic thriller character as a hitman. To develop Kaden's character as a group we decided to base his characteristics from the characters of Agent 47 from "Hitman: Agent 47".
I play an university student, which is more present in older films such as  "Scream" which is getting more popular due to TV reboots and becoming popular within our target audience age range.

For our non-linear narrative order, we took this idea from American Beauty by having the end of the film in the opening. The film opening in a similar way to American Beauty as the events are shown after the opening leading up to what previously has been shown.

Music and sound
Our opening's music was made Charlie Watts' brother who's credited as Sam Storm. For our score we took more generic inspiration from thriller films by using orchestral instruments to add a suspense atmosphere. we decided to not have any dialogue to add to the suspense built up with the music.

With the Mise-en-scene the costume was one of the most important factors we had to consider. It needed to be really obvious about the contrast between the two characters. With the character I played we showed the normality of the morning routine and with the hitman character we showed the contrast of what he goes through. We also ensured Kaden's clothing was messy to show reflect his inexperience throughout the film.


Through the use of split screen we were able to make our film unique. We did this to try and attract our target audience as well as to create unique USP for our film. We also decided to make the length of the shots change throughout our opening vary in order to create an unsettled feeling which changes the mood throughout the opening.

Killjoy Testing

Here is a link of when we were experimenting with the split screen

Question 3. What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Evaluation question
Film4 is a Channel 4 Television’s feature film division. Film4 develops and co-finances films and is known for working with the most distinctive and innovative talent in the UK, whether new or established. As our film is new and the opening is slightly different and abstract what an audience would normally anticipate watching we thought Film4 would be a good production company to have to support the film.

Other films produced by film 4 ‘Room’ with the budget of $13 million
‘Ex_Machina’ with the budget of $15 million and ‘12 years a slave’
with a budget of $20 million.


With the research the group carried out we estimated our budget to be $20 million. We looked at slightly lower budget films such as 'The Purge', 'The King's Speech' and 'Slumdog Millionaire' as well as the much higher budget films such as ‘American sniper’, ‘Superman’ and ‘inception’. We opted to have the budget at $20 million which is similar to the making of the 'The Conjuring’.

Paramount Pictures Corporation is an American film studio, television production company and motion picture distributor, consistently ranked as one of the "Big Six" film studios of Hollywood. It is a subsidiary of U.S. media conglomerate Viacom. Paramount is a member of the Motion Picture Association of America.

‘Transformers age of extinction’ $165-350 million, ‘Iron man 3’
$200 million and ‘Pain & Gain’ $26 million. Paramount often
Distributes American films with budgets starting from $20million
to $400+ million.


A film screening is the displaying of a motion picture or film, generally referring to a special showing as part of a film's production and release cycle. We estimated to show our film on 400 screens.

To target the British market we decided to make a competition to win a trip to the Cannes film festival and have dinner with the cast. For the International marketing we decided to make contrasting billboards around the imitate the split screen effect.
cast list:







Question 7. Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

Whilst filming the preliminary task, was the less noticeable elements. An example of this was with the match on action shot, where Kaden stumbles through the door but the second shot the door was fully closed where as the door should still be closing.

Throughout the filming of the opening, it was important to maintain continuity, however with limited tri-pods and camera's this was harder than anticipated. Whist editing we noticed other members of the group in the shot. Additionally on the first filming day as I was walking out of the door and I wasn't carrying a bag, however when I got to the car I put a bag in the front seat. We then decided to re-film the shot at a later date.

The preliminary task was much easier to film the mid shots, close ups and long shots due to the space we were provided. In comparison to the many angles and locations which we had to film.

In both tasks we tried to include shot-reverse-shot, match-on-action,and the 180 degree rule appropriately, which was successful. Through experimenting we were able to do the match on action more creatively in the final piece. This is show In the gif below

Question 6. What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

The first software we started to edit our film was iMovie as we could access this from our sixth form. This software was easy and straight forward when editing our preliminary task, however we tried using this software when trying to create the split screen effect but it didn't benefit or really look how we wanted it to.

In a result to this one of the members of the group suggested using Premiere Pro CC to create the split-screen effect since he was experienced with using the software in some of his own editing background. So we used this software to finish our editing and it worked really well with getting the results we wanted.
We used YouTube to upload, store and present most of our test footage, early edits, logo trails and our preliminary task.

Google Drive was used to store most  of our files this included scanned in files and shared pieces of work. Google Drive was extremely useful because it allowed us to share files as a group and store all our information effectively.

We shot all of our filming for our final task on Sam's Fujifilm DSLR and Kaden's Nikon DSLR.  However, the quality of footage taken on both cameras were different with Sam's camera on shooting in 720p and Kaden's camera shooting in 1080p; fortunately Kaden was able to rectify this issue by decreasing the definition of his footage to 720p.

During our filming at the car park in Bedminster we used a tripod to achieve a smooth panning shot where Kaden and myself was walking towards the car. This was useful as the camera stayed steady and flowed with the movement really well. The tripod also allowed smooth transitions from one side of the car park to another.

We also used a scanner to upload written documents on to the computer. This was extremely useful to make our notes accessible online. For example the story boards we made.

Question 4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

The mind map below is one of the members of our target audience.

This person would watch our film as it would be filled with action and have some elements of drama.
He fits our age range from 15-25

The link below is an interview we did with our peers after they watched the opening

We asked generic questions open to interpretation.
What is the genre of the film and why?
What was your favourite element of the opening?
If you could sum up the opening in 3 words, what would it be?
What do you think the plot of the film is?
Would you want to watch this film?